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Britannia Elementary

Kristen Frischbutter

Elementary Guide
Kristen is a passionate early childhood educator, Montessorian and has years and years of being a Montessori parent. She graduated from the University of Calgary and worked as an early childhood educator with the CBE. After seven years and two children, She decided to stay home full-time. She enrolled her daughter and subsequently her son in preschool at CMS. The Montessori environment ignited her curiosity for the Montessori materials and the developmental foundations underpinning their beautiful work. When her third child was in his final year with CMS, she decided to continue her studies, beginning her journey in Montessori education. She completed her Montessori Early Childhood Diploma from the Montessori Teacher’s College in Toronto; her Elementary I and II Diplomas from the Toronto Montessori Institute. She has enjoyed teaching upper and lower elementary and even a little preschool within Calgary schools; however she is really excited to be returning this time as an educator with CMS! You may like to know that she was born and raised in a rural setting in central Alberta. She loves fresh air and spending time outside doing mostly anything. She is currently learning outrigger canoeing and river kayaking. Traveling, puzzling, playing Root and crib and being with her family are her favourite things to do

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