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Montessori Main Phone: (403) 252-3281
This area refines everyday gestures, activities and behaviours which the child sees the adults around him perform. Exercises focus learning on caring for himself and the environment, social behaviours and movement. This area develops concentration, co-ordination, social skills, and independence.
This area refines the child’s sense of discrimination. The materials and exercises do not present the child with new impressions, but rather order, categorize and systemize the vast assortment of impressions he has already received and will continually go on receiving. The child will learn to materialize abstractions on his own.
Through the use of hands on materials, the children explore vocabulary development, the preparation of the hand for writing, and the introduction of the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. This leads the child to reading and writing.
Cultural activities and experiences are an extension of the language materials and are interwoven into all aspects of classroom life.
Beginning with materials to understand the concepts of 1 to 10, the child is then able to move into all areas of mathematics learning about larger numbers, teens, skip counting, and fractions all in their concrete form.
Calgary Montessori School welcomes applications from all interested families. Learn more about how to apply to Montessori and see our school fees.
See AdmissionsNo longer content with the physical independence that was achieved in the 3 to 6 year old environment, children now strive for intellectual independence.
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